Package com.genologics.ri.processexecution

package com.genologics.ri.processexecution
  • Class
    The base representation of an Artifact in the context of Process execution, defining common elements for both input and output Artifacts.
    Processes link inputs to outputs and this relationship is called an input-output map.
    The process element defines the XML needed to run a process.
    The input element provides URIs to one or more Artifacts that will be used by the Process.
    The instrument element provides a URI to the instrument that is responsible for running the process.
    This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.genologics.ri.processexecution package.
    The output element provides information about the Artifacts that will be created by the Process.
    The parameter is a child element of process execution that integrates the Process with the External Program Integration plug-in (EPP).
    The technician element provides a URI to the user that is responsible for the Process.